Sunday, September 11, 2011


This weekend really flew by quickly!

I had my last team in training run before the race next week. I am thinking I need to invest in a hat before sunday. I am going to check out the local running store and hope that they have something that I like. I really do not like wearing hats but I am worried the sun will be too bright in my eyes!

The rest of the day was a lot of fun, I got to eat delicious penne vodka at the baby shower. Also the cake was delicious, I am usually not one for whipped cream icing but this kind was great! Also the cake was jungle themed and adorable so that helped the delicious factor!

Also I got to see Group Love perform down in Philly. I am not a huge fan of theirs but they were a lot of fun to watch in concert. The lead singer was dancing a lot and it was quite entertaining. Dinner was pretty delicious also--a fried chicken sandwich w green tomatoes and a chocolate strawberry milkshake-super yum!
Today I was at work all day long, so it feels quite nice to sit now. I am about ready to curl up in bed with a book.
hopefully the book will prevent me from having freaky waitressing dreams!

I'll take the dream I had last night,
And put it in my freezer,
So someday long and far away,
When I'm an old grey greezer,
I'll take it out and thaw it out,
This lovely dream I've frozen,
And boil it up and sit me down
And dip my old cold toes in.
~Shel Silverstein, "Frozen Dream," A Light in the Attic

Friday, September 9, 2011

What's that bright light in the sky?

Wow--I didnt realize how much I missed the sun until it finally came out today! It has been raining like crazy and of course there is still a chance of showers today--seems like thats just how it goes anymore! I was bummed out yesterday because all the roads to the library were closed. I havent been working much and I desperately needed a new book to read. 

Since I couldn't get there I watched way too many episodes of Melissa and Joey on Hulu--I dont have cable. The show was actually funny, but I ran out of free episodes to watch. Thank goodness I was able to get to the library today. I had a bunch of books come in on hold:
--Beth Harbison-Always Something There to Remind Me
-Pledged-I have been meaning to read this for a long time
-The 2o Something Manifesto-ummm I think its possible I am having a quarter life crisis, hopefully this book helps..haha
-My Boyfriend Wrote a Book About Me-its by Hilary Winston and so far it is super funny and exactly what I needed!

I'm taking the day off from running because I am waitressing tonight and will be on my feet for many hours. Tomorrow is my last run with Team In Training before the half marathon next week. I can hardly believe it came up so fast! I feel ready for it, I have been running 10 and 11 miles pretty regularly on hot days and through a very hilly park. From what I have heard the race isnt very hilly so I think I am well prepared. I have a problem with getting really faint after I stop running. Everything gets really shiny and I get ridiculously light-headed and nauseous with scary stomach cramps. I seems to be caused by dehydration and running with gatorade helps a lot. Also it helps when it isnt a million degrees outside and scary humid. Hopefully race day holds out for me, it starts early so that should help! 

Tomorrow is also my friend's baby shower--I can hardly believe someone I know that well is having a baby-scary! I can hardly take care of myself some days--at least there will be a little one who I can play with--and give back once I am not sure what to do with him anymore! ;) I am also going to a concert in Northern Liberties that should be a lot of fun! I need a new pair of sunglasses and they had  a lady selling them there before for about $5--I hope to see her there again! Also we will get to eat at PYT-which is one of my favorite places to eat in Philly. You can get tater tots with your burger instead of fries. Also all the burgers have ridiculously delicious toppings! Yum--I can hardly wait! 

Also I read this today and thought it was the cutest:

"I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner.
 I believe in kissing, kissing a lot.
 I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. 
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. 
I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles." 
 Audrey Hepburn

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First Post :)

Okay, so after reading blogs for about a year I finally decided to give writing a my own a shot! 

I am by no means a writer, but I enjoy keeping a journal. Hopefully having one that can be viewed by others will help hold me accountable for work outs and also give me something to do.

I work as a substitute teacher but right now school just started so work is not particularly busy! I also waitress and am going to school. Both of these things keep me pretty busy but it's nice to have an outlet that is just for me. So we will see how this goes! 

I am very thankful for my wonderful boyfriend, friends, and family that I have in my life. I truly don't know what I would do without them. Sometimes life can be frustrating too though. I have been out of school for four years now and am still having difficulty finding a teaching job. Unfortunately where I live this is relatively common. Things are going to have to turn around eventually though--someone is going to want to retire! I am hoping this blog will help hold me accountable to the job search and also give me a place to chronicle the crazy life of a substitute teacher. ;) 

Tonight I have class so I need to finish up the reading that is due later. The class only has 4 people in it--so there is no chance that the prof wont notice if I skim through the reading! 
Time to get back to the grind!

quote for the day: "You know it's nothing new. Bad news never had good timing. Then the circle of your friends will defend the silver lining. Pain throws your heart to the ground, love turns the whole thing around. No, it won't all go the way it should, but I know the heart of life is good." 
 John Mayer